29 July 2012

Photo a Day - Project 365

Well... I made it a little over half way through my Photo a Day Challenge... but unfortunately I've decided to discontinue it and start something new!

Dan and I recently got a "fancy" camera and I still don't know how to use it very well. My goal is to learn!  I decided to do something called Project 365 which will document our family life throughout the year. Pretty much I'll take a photo a day like I do now except with my "fancy" camera instead of my IPhone.

I still plan on posting pictures here but in a different format. I really want to focus on taking quality photos instead of just a snap here and there which will take more time and effort on my part since I'm by no means a good photographer. As I've mentioned before I love writing in my own personal journal... so for this project I'm going to make a Blurb Book! Check them out here <----  I feel that by creating this book it will be like personal journaling, but with pictures instead!

Here's an example of one I found on Google.

I've kept a personal journal since 2008, as well as other fill in the blank journals throughout the years. It is so fulfilling to go back through them and reminiscence over your past successes, failures, happy times, and sad times. It helps me to look deeper into myself about who I really am. I'm hoping that these yearly photo Blurb Books will be a way to record my little family's life together. A great way to see where we started and how far we've come with just photos!

Thanks for all of you that looked at my Photo a Day posts each week! I hope you can now enjoy my new Project 365 posts!

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