Mileage Monday

Running stats for the week of April 22nd - April 28th... this week was enjoyable to me because I felt like I got to see so many people out and about doing some of their final runs before the Mini Marathon. It was a good feeling to know that I was part of that group. I didn't get too many runs in this week... what's new! But I did do a long run on Saturday. There was nothing special about this last long run of mine... it was very slow and I was very sore afterward since I haven't ran this long in about a month... but no matter how slowly I went or how sore I was after, I knew I needed to do this run for my own sanity. I needed to make sure my mind knew that I could do a long distance like this right before I ran the actual thing. For me, running 13.1 miles is more of a mental challenge than a physical one. My body is capable of doing it... but my mind thinks differently sometimes.

The weather is not looking too promising for race day. Right now they are forecasting rain and only a high of 55 degrees. YIKES! I'm hoping since we do live in Indiana that this might change a few times before we actually know what it will be like for sure!

Monday, April 22nd, 2013 -REST DAY!

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 - 3 mile treadmill run... 1% incline... sweat fest!

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 - Ab Ripper X / Weights / Stretch

Thursday, April 25th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Friday, April 26th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Saturday, April 27th, 2013 - 10 mile road run... windy... slow

Sunday, April 28th, 2013 - REST DAY... stretch...

Total miles ran this week: 13 miles

Photo a Day Challenge : Week #17

Day 21 - Fire

Day 22 - Blurry

Day 23 - Time... Bone Time that is!!

Day 24 - I Saw These People Today

Day 25 - Life Is... Better With a New Handbag

Day 26 - Childhood

Day 27 - Earth

Sugar Free... I'm a Failure!

This week was probably worse than the last on this sugar free adventure of mine. Okay... what am I talking about... I have not been sugar free at all! 

Listen folks! I love my sugar... it makes me happy... and I feel as long as I eat it in moderation then I shouldn't have to give up my love for it all together. Besides... when I do try to cut sugar completely out of my diet I soon will go on a binge of eating it... that isn't a good thing by any means either.

What I tried to focus on this week was eating better. I actually added breakfast to my life for the first time in years.

Quinoa with berries and almonds...
I'm allowing myself one soda a day... but if I drink it then I also drink two large glasses of water to compensate. Not the perfect solution but better than just soda and coffee only.

I'm eating sweets... just not going crazy like I usually do. Like I said, I'm not going to be completely miserable... I just love sweets too much.

Next week will probably be a little different food wise for me. I'm running the Mini Marathon on May 4th so I plan to be pretty careful with my eating and drinking habits that week. Tons of water, low fiber foods, and carbs!

How's everyone else doing with this challenge?

Mileage Monday

Running stats for the week of April 15th - April 21st... Two weeks until race day. I'm nervous. I recently got my confirmation postcard in the mail. It's real now. I'm not where I should be... not even close. I should be starting to taper soon... instead I'm just trying to hang on by running a couple times a week. I hit my peak way too soon and now I'm in a little bit of a mess.

This week was hectic. It was the last week of Phonathon and I had a student event to put on for work... plus I'm getting close to finals week with my class. There just isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. How do people who have kids do it? They are amazing! I'm ready for things to slow down... way down... so I can remember what it's like to do things I enjoy.

I really wanted to go into this race with a lot of confidence. I wanted to not feel worried at all. Now I can't help but wonder if I'll make it to the end. At this point I wish I could rewind time and just start over. Guess this was a good lesson for the next race I run... more training would probably have created a better outcome.

Monday, April 15th, 2013 - REST DAY... I was very sore after my 7 miler on Sunday

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Thursday, April 18th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Friday, April 19th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Saturday, April 20th, 2013 - Ran 7 miles... early... cold

Sunday, April 21st, 2013 - REST DAY!

Total miles ran this week : 7 miles

Photo a Day Challenge : Week #16

Day 14 - Water

Day 15 - Alone

Day 16 - My Favorite Color

Day 17 - Busy

Day 18 - Hello

Day 19 - Button

Day 20 - On My Mind

Remington's Rundown

Hey Doodle Lovers! It's Remington Bear here!

This past week I had my annual check up! These always make me so nervous, but I try to put my brave face on.

We arrived at the vet right on time at 1:30 pm. I waited patiently in the waiting room while all the nice ladies that work there talked to me. I was meeting a new doctor today since my regular doctor was out... probably doing something fun with his own doggies.

I finally got checked in to my room for my appointment. The first thing that the vet tech always asks me to do is get weighed in!

"What do I weigh everyone?"

The vet tech said I'm a healthy 76.4 lbs! Only a slight weight gain from last year! Guess all my working out paid off!

Mom and Dad asked a few questions while I waited to meet my new doctor!!!

Finally she arrived and started to check me out. Dr. H. was super nice to me and did a great job checking me out! I had my ears, eyes, nose, teeth, paws, skin, and belly inspected! And guess what?! I passed with flying colors! They said everything looked perfect and told me that I'm a very handsome boy!

Then they took me away and did the worse part of the whole exam... SHOTS! I was so scared to leave Mom and Dad so once it was over with I rushed back into the room to be with them. 

Once the three of us where back together... all was well with the world again. The vet tech told Mom and Dad that I was a very good boy and a pleasure to work with. I'm not gonna lie... I did cry a little bit while I was with him, but I tried to be brave!

Soon it was time to head home and boy was I happy! I'm glad I only have to go there once a year no matter how much I like my doctors!

Time to sign off... WIGGLES!

~Remington Bear~

Sugar Free... Yeah Right!

So last week I issued myself a challenge to go sugar free for one month!

Now... for the first weekly update...

I'm not doing so hot.

My biggest problem is soda... I'm am truly addicted to it even if my husband does think I'm looney for saying it. I could probably give up sweets if it wasn't for that.

The first few days of this challenge... I did okay. I was eating one peppermint after lunch to help curve my cravings and drinking all water...

Day three through five I went a little crazy... I added my one pop a day back into my diet because I couldn't stand not having it... and I started to eat candy and sugary foods like crazy!!!

Day six and seven I did a little better. I cut out the sweets again (except for the pop) and tried to eat healthy foods. When I get a craving for sweets I have been eating fruit to help!

Better luck next week??? Hope so!

Mileage Monday

Running stats for the week of April 8th - April 14th... Well, I did get the chance to work out a little more this week, but not nearly as much as I should be at this point. This was the first time I've done some decently medium/long runs. I wasn't dying, but my pace sure has suffered. I'm not a fast runner by any means. I usually do around a 10 minute mile. However, on these runs I was doing around an 11-12 minute mile. Dang! This weeks goal is to RUN RUN RUN! I'm down to 19 days until the Mini! Not in panic mode, but getting close!

Monday, April 8th, 2013 - Ab Ripper X / Weights / Stretch

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 - Ran 6 miles... slow and steady

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Thursday, April 11th, 2013 - Ab Ripper X / Weights / Stretch

Friday, April 12th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Saturday, April 13th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Sunday, April 14th, 2013 - Ran 7 miles... slow and steady

Total miles ran this week : 13 miles

Photo a Day Challenge : Week #15

Day 7 - Dreamy

Day 8 - On Your Plate

Day 9 - Tiny

Day 10 - A Place

Day 11 - Detail

Day 12 - In The Middle (of my snack)

Day 13 - View From My Bed

Sugar Free for One Month

Two of my blogger/high school friends are going sugar free for the month of April. I'm feeling the pressure to do something like this too. Just like the two of them, I'm a sugar freak! I love my sweets... of all kinds! Since it's already April 9th I'm going to TRY to go sugar free for a month... April 9th - May 9th.

Now... for the rules...

This isn't going to be like a complete sugar free challenge... I'm still going to put sugar in my morning coffee and I'm not going to read labels or anything like that. Pretty much I'm just going to try to give up sugary drinks like soda (the love of my life) and other forms of sweets that I know have tons of sugar in them.

You know... the usual things I have around me... like 6 boxes of Hot Tamales...

Or my secret stash of candy at work...

It's not gonna be easy people... I'll probably have a few slip ups... but I'm going to at least try! I'll let you know how it goes! You can follow my two high school friends to as they do this challenge at The Metz Family and Some Things Wong!

Mileage Monday

Running stats for the week of April 1st - April 7th... I ended Easter Weekend feeling awful. Not only did I eat myself silly during this holiday, but I also had not ran for two straight weeks before hand. I was so mad at myself about this because my big race is only a month away. Haven't I learned that I can't skip workouts and still stay at the same level of endurance as when I was running 4 times a week? When I finally hit the treadmill on Monday I was hurting... badly... my shins were screaming at me... I barely ran a miserable 2 miles before I threw in the towel. I rested up for a few days after that because I had a horrible shin splint in my left leg. I probably could of ran on it, but knew I should just ice and rest it until it was more bearable. By the weekend it was still bothering me, but I knew I couldn't wait any longer so I finally ran on Sunday. I only did 3 miles, but didn't have much shin pain. I'm hoping this week that I can slowly but quickly work my way back up to where I was... or at least close to it. I know I can't increase too fast or I could possible injure myself and I definitely don't want that! Words of encouragement please!!! What have I done!?!?!

Monday, April 1st, 2013 - 2 mile treadmill run @ 1% incline / Stretch

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013 - REST DAY

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 - 1.5 mile walk with Remi

Thursday, April 4th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Friday, April 5th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Saturday, April 6th, 2013 - REST DAY!

Sunday, April 7th, 2013 - 3.25 mile road run... new shoes

Total miles ran this week: 5.25 miles

Photo a Day Challenge : Week #14

Day 31 - Stuff (our travel bags from Easter weekend)

Day 1 - Play

Day 2 - Blue

Day 3- Begins with "A" (apron)

Day 4 - This Happened Today (highlight & cut)

Day 5 - Something Good

Day 6 - Air

Life Passes Before my Eyes!

Last night, after I got my hair cut and highlighted... I drove home... ate fast food... and planted myself on the couch for the rest of the evening where I played catch up on my favorite TV shows. It was time wasted, but it was time I needed to just relax and be lazy for a bit.

Lately, I have been so completely overcome with things on my "To-Do List" that I seriously feel like I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Okay... I do admit is doesn't take much to get me to that point....

My list of priorities go in this order...

Work: Making sure Phonathon is running smoothly, planning a student philanthropy event, hiring new interns and student callers, and other day to day tasks.

School: Assigned readings, weekly forums, responding to posts, presentations, and a huge final paper.

Family Time: I really do try to spend actual "time" with Dan and Remington... but it's third on my priority list so it doesn't get what it deserves. Usually it involved me engrossed in my homework and Dan/Remi hanging out beside me on the couch.

Running: Lately, the above three have taken priority over this... which shows me why I'm doing so horrible on my training right now.

Cleaning: I have a small obsession with my house being just "so-so"... if it things aren't up to my standards it is hard for me to function. This priority might actually be number two on my list at times.

So, to recap, a normal week day in my life usually goes something like this... Get up at 6:00, work from 8-4:30 (some days (8:00-7:00), head home, work on homework until 9:00 or 10:00 at night, then try to get a run in before 11:00 if I'm not too wiped out, go to bed around 11:30 or 12:00... then do it all over again!

During the next 30 days my priorities need to shift a little bit. Running needs to go from number four on my list to number two. I'm worried at this point that I'm going to be struggling to finish out my half marathon, so I really need to get serious about doing quality runs. However... it will be hard to shift this priority to the top of my list when I have so many other important things that really have to come first.

I'll be so happy when the month of April is over with and I'll have a little break from the rat race! Sometimes I feel like my life is just passing before my eyes!

Remington's Rundown

Hey Doodle Lovers! It's Remington Bear here!

Mom has been super busy this week with work, projects for school, and training for her Mini Marathon. She told me I needed to do a quick update on the blog so everyone knew we were still alive and barking around here. So here I am to tell you what has been going on with us! 

We went to P-town to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Fowler for Easter weekend. They got a new IPhone so Mom and Dad were busy showing them how to work it.

I don't really understand what the big deal is about IPhones but humans sure are on them an awful lot!

Dad got his first EVER eyebrow wax by my Mom's cousin Angie!

He said this was sooooo much easier and less painful than Mom plucking the stray hairs off his face. Hope he doesn't get mad at me for putting this picture on here! Dad says real men have to stay well groomed! Guess that's why I go to the groomer every couple of months!

What have I been up to you ask???

Mainly catching up on my favorite shows on Animal Planet and Nat Geo Wild! I love those stations on TV... so animal friendly!

But they sure do make me sleepy!

Time to sign off... WIGGLES!

~Remington Bear~

Photo a Day Challenge - March Recap

Here's the recap of the photos taken in the month of March

Photo a Day Challenge : Week #13

Day 24 - Up

Day 25 - In My Drawer

Day 26 - Something I Did (watched snow melt)

Day 27 - Pair (my favorite pair)

Day 28 - In The Mirror

Day 29 - Goodnight

Day 30 - Relax