
R-Man's Puppy Paw-ty in Pictures

On the menu: "Purebread" Subs, "Paw"tato Chips, "Pup"cakes, and Toilet Water

Pics... pics...

and more pics!

Photo and gift table!

Pupcakes with bones on them!

Puppy Chow!

Roarke's Smash Cake!

Grouchy face boy!

Blowing out his candle!


Cake face!

Cousin Mae on Roarke's doggie...

Opening presents!

Roarke and Harrison! Future BFF's!

Roarke and Mae!

Roarke's Birthday board!


Roarke and Aunt Ali!

Happy entertaining Roarke with bubbles!

Uncle Bryce and Roarke!

Rhoton cousins!

Onto another year of Roarke-a-nator fun!


What a transformation! Your Daddy and I have loved watching you grow!


Mileage Monday

Running stats for the week of June 6th - 12th... Friends, R-man's 1st B-day party is over with (post to come) and we are now in full fledge packing mode at the Rhoton house! The walls have been painted and carpets have been cleaned at the Homestead! I have probably spent a good 16 hours or so deep cleaning that place and STILL am not completely finished! Dan and I have slowly been bringing loads of stuff out their every trip we make! It is hard to believe that we will be living there soon, but super exciting. I was out there the other night and just walked around the property and felt myself tearing up. I just can't even explain how much I love it out there.

Running is out of the picture right now, but walking is not because... well... it is something that tuckers both of my boys out and helps create long afternoon naps. I need those to get some stuff accomplished around here! That is definitely one thing I did not realize would be so challenging. Moving with a toddler! OMG!

Monday, June 6th, 2016 - 2 mile walk with Roarke & Remi

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 - 1.87 mile walk with Roarke & Remi / 2 mile walk with Roarke

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 2.5 mile walk with Roarke & Remi / 1.5 mile walk with Roarke, Remi, & Dan

Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 1.87 mile walk with Roarke & Remi

Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 2.5 mile walk with Roarke / 1.87 mile walk with Remi

Saturday, June 11th, 2016 - 1.5 mile walk with Remi

Sunday, June 12th, 2016 - REST DAY!

Totals for the week : Walked 17.61 miles

Week #52


Weight: 19 lbs 5 oz

HOORAY! I managed to keep a human being alive and kicking for an entire year! The year had it's ups and downs, but man was it a wild ride! Before all else I have to thank my husband for giving me the opportunity to watch this little man grow! I feel so incredibly lucky that I got to experience EVERY milestone right beside him. What a blessing Dan gave me! 

Roarke is no longer a baby but instead a full blown toddler! He can stand all by himself, clap his hands, give kisses, walk with the aid of his push doggie, and climb stairs! He is into everything and you have to watch him like a hawk! He is extremely independent and likes to do everything by himself. When you offer him help he usually has a melt down! I mean how dare you help him! He has six teeth and absolutely hates to have them brushed! He still loves books and being outside! He recently started to enjoy the swing and will laugh and smile constantly if he is in one. He has finally given up his bottle and drinks solely from a sippy cup. He LOVES TO EAT EAT EAT! His favorite restaurant is Chili's! He recently has started showing interest in TV shows and loves to watch Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

Hard to believe that I have documented all 52 weeks of this sweet boys life! I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have!


Mileage Monday

Running stats for the week of May 30th - June 5th... Tell you what! My life is revolving around getting things ready for Roarke's B-day party and the new house right now. Once I get through
R-man's party I think I will feel a little bit better about things. Seems like several things started hitting us at once and I have been having trouble juggling them both. Since we have possession of the house I want to throw my energy into that, but I know priority is the party. Even with everything going on, most mornings I got a walk in with my boys. We have been going early to beat the heat. I also have started taking Roarke and Remi together which is a little intimidating, but I have enjoyed knocking two walks out at once.

Monday, May 30th, 2016 - REST DAY!

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 - 1.87 mile walk with Remi

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 - 2.25 mile walk with Roarke / 1.87 mile walk with Remi

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 - 1.87 mile walk with Roarke

Friday, June 3rd, 2016 - 2.5 mile walk with Remi and Roarke / 2.3 mile run / Stretch

Saturday, June 4th, 2016 - REST DAY!

Sunday, June 5th, 2016 - 2.5 mile walk with Roarke, Remi and Dan

Totals for the week : Walked 12.87 miles / Ran 2.3 miles

May Photo Dump 2016

We took over 100 pictures this month. It was hard to pick a few favorites!