Thankful Thursday (Hail Storm)

Today I'm thankful for not having any hail damage to my car!!  On Friday of last week the University where I work received a pretty crazy hail storm. Lucky for me I had the day off and my car was safe in the garage!

Below are some pictures I swiped from my co-worker's FB page so you can have an idea how bad it was! Thanks Val!

I'm pretty sure everyone that was at the University that day received some nice dents in their roofs and hoods! I'm sure today they are thankful for car insurance!


Unknown said...

With that size of hail, it will surely give great damage on anyone’s car. Good thing that yours was safe in your garage that day. But bad news for the others in the university. I just hope there’s a repair shop nearby, so their cars would have been repaired immediately.

Kayla @

Anonymous said...

Looking at the photos above, there are really a lot of things to be thankful for. And one of those was the fact that you were safe in the comfort of your home, and so as your car. Because if not, you'd be one of those lining up for their insurance claims. Take care!

Ross Adkins @ Bullseye Auto Glass