Uncle Mike

Remington's best friend came to visit us this weekend. Uncle Mike! No... Uncle Mike isn't Remington's best dog friend... he is Remington's best human friend!

Uncle Mike is actually a very close friend of Dan's, but Remington grew very attached to Uncle Mike when he took care of Remington while Dan and I were away on our honeymoon. Every time we even mention Uncle Mike's name to Remington he gets super excited!!!

It is really heartwarming to see the two of them together. When Uncle Mike arrives at our house Remington gets so exciting he starts crying in excitement. He only does this with us when he hasn't seen us for a very long time. Uncle Mike is the best tug of war player in the world and Remington takes full advantage of it when he is at our house. What I love the most about their relationship is that it doesn't take any time at all for Remington to make himself at right at home with his best buddy!

Uncle Mike is the one person that Remington probably loves just as much as us.  And that is saying something! I'm thankful for their friendship.

1 comment:

Taylor B. said...

Love this! I hope Remington has a blast hanging out and playing tug of war. Addie's best friend is my dad. We're quite certain that she loves him more than us!