Thanksgiving According to Remington

Now that you all know how my Thanksgiving went, I suppose I should let you know what Remington was up to all those days.  Is it sad that I document almost every hour of his life via my IPhone... I swear I'll end up with more pictures of that dog than my own children :)

Remington enjoyed lots of play time in P-town.  This mostly involved chewing up tennis balls until I had to take them away from him. Nothing like holding a slobbery wet ball!

He spent a lot of time hanging out in his all time favorite place in the bathroom. Sadly, he fits perfectly here and has loved snoozing in this nook his whole life!

He spent a lot of time cuddling with his Mom... I of course soaked this time up since most of the time he does this with his Dad.

He did a lot of bed hogging!!!  Dan and I have a king size bed to accommodate for Remington's large size, but at my parents house we all three often times squeeze in a full size bed.  It's pretty comical... can you imagine it!

He spent a lot of time just lounging around in general...

And most importantly, he spent a lot of time missing his best buddy... Dad!

"Can we go home and see Dad yet Mom???"

If only we all could have had a Thanksgiving as enjoyable as this.

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