Life @ LPD!

I don't think I've mentioned this on the blog yet, but soon Dan will be going to 12 hour days. We as a family of course have mixed emotions about this change in his schedule, but honestly after doing the cop wife thing for several years now I feel pretty adaptable to most changes that we face and like nothing is out of the norm for our family. I could not have said this four years ago...

What I do think will be hard for Dan is leaving behind his shift buddies that he has developed such close relationships with over the past year.  As you can imagine, when you work the kind of job that Dan does and deal with crazy situations day in and day out you develop pretty close bonds with your brother in blue. 

Their last shift together...

Hopefully this transition will go as smoothly as possible for all the LPD families involved... we will just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Wife in Blue said...

Good luck and best wishes with this change! My husband works 8 hour shifts with 2 days off each week and I kinda wish he worked 10s or 12s. I think (think being the operative word here!) the longer stretch of days off at a time would be nice. It's encouraging to read that four years ago you wouldn't have been able to say you were as used to being a police wife as you are now. I just passed the 1.5 year mark and still feel pretty down on the cop wife thing!! I hope it gets easier with time (the hard part is waiting for that time to go by).