30 Before 30 - Organize my Entire House

I had four days off between my old job and my new job. During that time I had two things that I wanted to get accomplished... clean and organize my entire house and plant flowers for the summer. I bought the flowers, but didn't get them planted... BOO! But I did get my house cleaned and organized... HORRAY!

The flowers are hanging out on my porch for now... they will be planted this weekend.

Now, back to the house. Dan and I went through almost every drawer, closet, cabinet, etc. in the house and cleaned, purged, and organized... PHEW! It took us almost three full days and our house isn't even that big! Yikes! However, it feels soooooo good to have it all finished and I can finally check it off my to do list.

All together we got rid of 7 huge trash bags, plus some other miscellaneous things here and there! Halleluiah!

Time to check "organize the entire house" off my 30 Before 30 List!

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