
Written February 16, 2011

Surprisingly, tonight is Dan's last night working at UIndy.  He has banked up almost 72 hours of holiday time and they are wanting him to use it before he starts at Lawrence.  So... he will be getting 9 days off with pay!!!  Can you say... JEALOUS!  This isn't even counting the lump sum of money he'll get for all of his unused vacation time!!!  I can't complain though because I'll be so happy to have him home with Remington and I for a while :)  He needs to go and get his new uniforms and all the other odds and ends soon so he'll be more than ready for his first day.  In the meantime, I'm putting together a "to do list" for him to get some stuff done around the house on his "vacation time."

Written February 17, 2011

Today, Dan went to Jenkin's (a uniform shop for public safety gear) to get the list of things he needs for Lawrence.  He came home with several bags full of stuff....

New set of boots...

New holster...

All new stuff for his duty belt...


Reversible Rain Jacket...

Inside of the jacket...

Winter Alaskan Trooper Hat... haha

New uniforms...

Duty bag...

Duty belt and a curious Bear

I think he was in awe of the awesome quality of all the stuff he got :)  Spending money is not a worry for this department.

Written February 18, 2011

Today Dan met the guy who is being hired on with him.  His name is Brandon.  They will be sworn in together, but Brandon will still have to go to the academy before he is able to start.  However, he has worked as a Reserve for Lawrence for like 8 years or something.  He was able to give Dan more of the inside scoop to things.  There is a rumor of them being started out on seconds.  That is the nightmare shift for me.  This pretty much means that Dan and I will NEVER get to see each other.  UHHHHGGG!  The thought of it is heartbreaking.  However, for Remington's sake I'm happy about this shift.  If he would work firsts it would mean that Remington would be by himself all day long... so this way would work better for our sweet dog.  Never in a million years did I think that I would be praying for Dan to be on thirds.  Yeah, it has its ups and downs too, but it is a heck of a lot better than the others.  We will just have to wait and see... I'm hoping that if he has to be on seconds, it will just be for his FTO training for 3 months.  Then they could switch him back to thirds!!

Written February 20, 2011

Dan has been busy getting his things together to take back to UIndy.  He has to return all his uniforms, firearm, duty belt stuff, taser, winter coat, rain coat, radio, and campaign hat.  We have been slowing getting all those things together and loading them into his car.  He has also been dealing with the Human Resources office at UIndy.  I guess his resignation letter was never sent to them by Dan's chief so everyone is scrambling trying to figure out what is going on and what all needs to be done.  It is moments like these when you get a good sense of how unorganized that school is.  It's hard to know what to say when Human Resources calls me to see what's going on... I mean shouldn't they be calling Dan or his department???

Written February 21, 2011

Even though I love having Dan home, here's my one complaint.  Our bed is getting pretty crowded.  We have a king size bed, which would be plenty for Dan and I... but when you throw Remington into the picture it seems to shrink dramatically.  Since Dan usually isn't with us at night, Remington and I enjoy our own separate sides of the bed.  But since Dan has been home for the past few days and Remington insists on sleeping with us, I have not been sleeping well.  I seem to be getting about a foot of bed space to sleep on while Remington and Dan get the rest. I think we may need to make some new sleeping arrangments soon if this keeps up :)

Written February 26, 2011

These past few days have been pretty quiet.  I can't tell you how many times Dan has mentioned that he can't wait to start this new job.  Maybe its just me, but I'm pretty sure sitting around all day relaxing is something I wouldn't be ready to give up.  But of course, that isn't Dan's outlook.  He absolutely loves his job and all the adventures that come with it.  He's pretty lucky for that.  He has been slowly but surely getting all of his stuff together for his first day.  I usually can find him organizing and reorganizing all his police stuff so he can get things "just right".  He has also been studying maps of Lawrence.  Hopefully that will help him find things a lot easier around there, but I'm sure it will take a while.  Remington and I have been enjoying our time with him as much as possible.  Once he moves to seconds all that quality time will disappear.

This is where I found them today... I hate to think how much Remington will miss Dan when he goes back to work!  He has definitely grown accustomed to a full 24 hours a day with him.

Next Lawrence update will be after Dan's Swearing In Ceremony!!!  We are both looking forward to it :)

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