Operation Cut Down Dead Tree

Since the end of last summer we knew that the tree in front of our house was on the verge of dying. However, we thought we would wait until the spring to see if it would pull through. Guess what!? It's still deader than a doornail.  BLAH!

So... me being the helpful wife I am suggested that Dan get in gear and pull that sucker out!

Neither of us were sure if it was rooted good, so we decided to take the lazy way out and cut it down below the surface and near just cover up the stump. We aren't going to plant another tree in its place so it wouldn't matter.

First Dan used his brute strength to break it in half... he's so tough!

Then he hacked it way down to a little stump!

Then we covered it up nicely and plan to plant some grass on top.


Operation Cut Down Dead Tree was a success!

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