Remi's New Crate!

We are taking a family vacation soon... and by family vacation that means Remi is joining us :) We wanted to bring Remington's crate with us so we knew he was safe when we weren't with him... but it is huge, metal and very heavy... we weren't even sure if it would fit in our car. Remington also has a cheap travel crate we got at Wal-mart when he was a puppy... but he is so big now that we hate to put him in it cause he doesn't have much room. So we researched "good" travel crates and finally ordered one so he would be safe and comfy on our vacation.

The first crate that was sent to us was damaged so we had them resend us a better one.

Assembly of the crate... I'm not sure if I could put this sucker together by myself? Notice Remington in the background... his interest in his new crate is way high as he eats something off the floor... sigh!

Remi in his new crate! He can't wait for vacation now!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

How do you put those text bubbles on your pics? So cute!