Usually around this time I roll out all the resolutions I have for the upcoming year. But... since I committed myself to a list of 30 Before 30 goals after my 29th birthday in August I thought that I would instead give you a quick recap of how I'm doing with this HUGE challenge!
1) Get life insurance policies & wills set up
2) Set up an outline for a retirement plan
3) Save a large down payment for a new house
4) Pay off the rest of Dan's student loans
5) Finish my Master's degree
6) Advance in my career
7) RX 5 CrossFit WOD's (in progress)
8) Get kipping pull-ups
10) Get double unders
11) Do a "fun" run
13) Run another 10K
14) Run another half marathon
15) Run 400 miles between now and my 30th B-day (in progress)
16) Learn to drive a stick shift
17) Read a book a month for enjoyment (in progress)
18) Read the entire Bible... again (in progress)
19) Whiten my teeth
22) Find a church we would like to attend regularly
23) Find an organization I'm passionate about and start volunteering (in progress)
24) Organize my entire house
25) Grow my hair longer than it has ever been (in progress)
26) Learn how to french braid my own hair
27) Learn to crochet
28) Start dressing more professional
29) Cook a new and healthy dinner once a month (in progress)
30) Get pregnant (yes you read that right)
So, as you can tell I have only completed four of my goals and have another seven in progress. As I have been working through this list I'm slowly realizing what a giant undertaking it was. YIKES! But hey... no one ever said that turning 30 would be an easy process... HAHA! Happy New Year Everyone!