We made it!

Once I was home from work on Wednesday it was rush, rush, rush.  Dan wanted to get on the road.  I can't say that I blame him, but I still needed to get mine and Remington's things together for the trip.  As we started laying out our packed bags in the kitchen, Remington politely reminded us by laying down beside the luggage...

"Guys, don't forget to take me with you!"

Of course we wouldn't forget him... he comes with us on all our trips.  Except we did have to leave him behind for the Arizona trip as well as our honeymoon, but other than that he's always our co-pilot!  When the bags start to get packed up, he starts to get excited because he knows that fun is in store for him!!!  I must say, I wouldn't have it any other way!

We arrived at the lakes at 8:30 on Wednesday evening.  Bruce (Dan's Dad) was happy to see us I think. He has been by himself for 2 weeks now since Dan's Mom flew out to AZ to help with the twins for the summer.  I know he is a bit lonely.  We just sat around and talked until 11 at night since we hadn't seen each other for a while.

Today, we were up early.  Dan and Bruce went golfing while I stayed behind with Ali, Elliott and Mallory.  We took a really long early morning walk with both dogs and the kids in tow.  I was super impressed with Elliott because he walked the whole way all by himself without too much complaining about being tired.  It was a really long walk too!  When we got back home, Elliott wanted to play soccer.  He has a little goal and ball set up in his front yard.  We played out there for probably an hour together.  He is so funny and sweet.  If I have a child half as wonderful as him, I'll be happy :)  By the time Mallory and Elliott were ready for their naps, Dan and Bruce were back from golfing.  The three of us had lunch together which was nice.  Later in the evening, after the kids were done with their naps, it was back outside where Dan, Elliott and I played golf, badmitton, and soccer for like 2 hours!  PHEW!  It is hard keeping up with Elliott.  Soon it was time for dinner.  Dan and I made corn on the cob, and we had BELTS... bacon, eggs, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches.  Everything was really good.  Elliott wanted to put up some lights for the 4th of July party Ali and Bryce are having tomorrow so he got that all finished before he went to bed.  It was a busy day for me and the kids :)

Here is a picture of Elliott's handy work!  He was very proud of it!

Looks like it's going to be another beautiful 4th of July at Buckeye Lake!

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